
Model: Arley Elizabeth, Photographer: Andrew Gates, Videographer & Editor: Nate Olson, Hair & MUA: Kimberly Hill ©RUKUS, LLC

Arley Elizabeth grew up in Colton, California. Her modeling career began at a very young age, under five. As a youth she competed in various pageants and beauty contests. At age six she was enrolled in a few acting and modeling workshops to help hone her craft. By age nine Arley had been signed with her first agency. Although, there were a few years where Arley had lost interest in the modeling and acting industry, she quickly got back into it when she was seventeen and signed with her second agency, but then her family moved to a new city and her career was put on hold so she could concentrate on her studies. Finally, in 2008 Arley got back in the saddle and landed a gig hosting Bite Me TV’s “Car Culture.” Arley really started focusing on her career in 2010 and has made some great strides. She hopes to take her career many places and grow her fan-base along the way.