Catherine Gontran

Catherine Gontran was born in Paris, France and raised in Houston, Texas. Growing up, this half French, half Vietnamese beauty sought any creative outlet to keep herself entertained: writing, playing the piano, or simply drawing on a piece of paper. Any form of art is what always kept her attention. So naturally the entertainment industry was a perfect fit. Catherine’s interests go beyond what happens in front of the camera. She finds what happens behind the scenes just as fascinating. It wasn’t long after graduating high school that Catherine packed her bags and headed west to Los Angeles where she is pursuing a career as a fitness model, as well as dipping her toes into acting… and she wouldn’t have it any other way!



October 20.

Zodiac Sign:





5′ 5″


105 lbs.


French and Vietnamese.


Paris, FR & Houston, TX.

Turn Ons:

Someone who takes charges, and goes after what they want in life – and is actually doing it. Not just talking about it, that’s a turn off.

Turn Offs:

Men who are so self-involved, who only think about themselves, and who want to always talk about what they’ve done and accomplished. The ones who don’t ask how you’re doing. Gross.

Guilty Pleasure:

Fries! If I worked in a cubicle, I would eat fries everyday. I’d be extremely fat but at least I will die happy. Add some chicken wings and you’ve got yourself a meal!

Pet Peeves:

People who stare! If you’re going to stare, don’t make it so obvious. I also don’t like it when people cut you off while you’re talking.

Celebrity Pass:

He’s not a “celebrity” yet, but I know he will be eventually. When that day comes I’ll be able to say his name. And you’ll be like “Yeeeaahh buddy!” Hot stuff!

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