Crystal Vizcarra

Crystal Vizcarra was born and raised in the beautiful city of San Diego, California. She is a full-time student at SDSU, San Diego State University, majoring in Communications. Crystal currently works part-time as a Hooter’s girl. She’s also competed and placed in many bikini contests for them. Since she was a young girl, Crystal has always enjoyed being a performer. From dance recitals, cheering at sporting events, cheerleading competitions and now modeling. Crystal is at the beginning of her modeling career, even with her previous experience. She is currently a spokesmodel for a swimsuit line called Yours Truly Bikinis. You can also find Crystal as a ring girl and calendar girl for Epic Fighting mixed martial arts. Crystal is definitely a very determined individual who has her eyes fixed on the big picture. With this much determination she’s sure to make her mark in the industry.



February 8

Zodiac Sign:





5′ 2″


105 lb.


I’m Mexican.


San Diego, CA.

Turn Ons:

A man who knows what he wants and will do what he has to in order to get it.

Turn Offs:

When a dude tries to be too controlling. Back off a little bit.

Guilty Pleasure:

Ice Cream! Wild and Reckless from Baskin Robins to be exact.

Pet Peeves:

Compulsive liars!

Celebrity Pass:

Chris Brown for sure.

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